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COVID Update

Planning ahead..


Hi all, as you will be aware we made the decision to close the salon due to Covid 19 early March 2020, whilst times have been challenging for us all it has been so lovely to keep in touch with you all, and during these uncertain times to hear that you are all eagerly awaiting to return to the salon gives us the drive to get through this. 

We believe at this stage, we are in the next phase to return to work, though this could change and our duties are to ensure we conform with government guidelines for the safety of the public. The date proposed is currently the 4th July 2020 and after much deliberation and feedback from ur client's we have made the decision to open our diaries to enable you to prebook your appointments. Please, please be patient and considerate and you always are with us and understand that should anything change and we are unable to open - we will contact you and reschedule accordingly. 


We are looking forward to catching up with you, hearing all your stories from 'lockdown', we really have missed you all and appreciate that you give us the opportunity to do a job we love. 


Lots of love, the team @ Beauty & the ink xox 

Fat be gone!

Why fat dissolving injections? 💉

Sometimes no matter how hard you work out and how carefully you watch your diet, you just can’t seem to get rid of stubborn body fat. Working out is great for all-over fat reduction, toning, and overall health, but unfortunately you can’t “spot treat” fatty areas on the body. Do all the lunges you want, but if your stubborn inner-thigh fat won’t budge, you may be a good candidate for body contouring. This is where Aqualyx comes into play.

💎What is Aqualyx?
Aqualyx is an injectable treatment meant to target and melt away stubborn pockets of fat on the body.

💎Why not just exercise?
Even people who workout are prone to fatty areas on the body. These pockets of fat may be impossible to get rid of through exercise alone, because exercise reduces fat all over the body. The results you see from exercise won’t be targeted to a specific area, which is why “spot treating” fatty areas through exercise simply doesn’t work. Furthermore, our bodies naturally try to hold onto fat stored in the subcutaneous layer as a way of conserving energy, which is another reason why some areas of fat are so resilient to exercise. Aqualyx targets these stubborn fatty areas in the subcutaneous layer–the layer of fat just underneath our skin. 

💎How does it work?
The body has its own system in place for burning excess body weight. Acidic bile is naturally produced by the liver to aid in the process of breaking down fat. Aqualyx uses a synthetic form of this acid that’s derived from plant-based ingredients, so it’s safe to use in the body. It’s delivered to the fatty areas through multiple small injections. The acid works to eliminate fat by breaking down the structure of the fat cells. Once broken down, fat cells are dissolved, or liquefied. Once it escapes the cell, the fatty liquid. can then be easily burned as the body metabolizes it.

💎How do I know if it’s right for me?
One important thing to understand about Aqualyx is that it is not a weight loss treatment. It is advertised as “body contouring,” meaning if you have a lot of weight to lose, Aqualyx won’t make that happen. The best candidates for Aqualyx are those who are already leading a healthy lifestyle and maintaining their weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet. This is because Aqualyx works as a spot reducing treatment for pockets of fat, and not as an all over fat treatment or weight loss solution. Once you are at your desired weight, you’ll be able to discern whether or not there are many stubborn areas of fat that could be treated by Aqualyx. If you eat healthy and exercise and have stubborn areas of fat that won’t go away, then yes, you’re a great candidate for Aqualyx body contouring!

💎Does it hurt? Are there side effects?

A touch nippy as injected but fine needles are used to assist with comfort. Side effects of this treatment are bruising, swelling and tenderness to the treated area.

💎Where can it be used?
Aqualyx can be used in pads or pockets of fat anywhere on the body. Some of the most popular areas are extra fat around the ankles, abdomen, inner thigh, double chins, armpits, upper arms, hips, and buttocks. 

💎Will I need more than one treatment?
The number of treatments you need depends on how much fat is in the area you want to target and how your body reacts to Aqualyx. Some people see dramatic improvements with one or two treatments. You can get treated once or up to eight times, depending on the area you want to target. Smaller areas require less treatments (usually 1-3), but larger areas or more stubborn fat will probably require more–possibly up to 8. 

💎How long do results last?
If you keep a healthy lifestyle, the fat treated by Aqualyx is very unlikely to return. When fat cells have been treated by the Aqualyx injection, they are permanently gone–as long as you don’t gain weight. One way to ensure long-lasting results is to continue to exercise and maintain a healthy diet. Consider this another good incentive to maintain a healthy lifestyle!

💎How long is recovery?
As there aren’t many side effects, healing should take less than a week. Sometimes you may need to wait a few weeks before you can see complete results, as swelling can take some time to go down–especially if the treated area is larger. Smaller areas take less time to heal, and many people find that they don’t experience pain or tenderness at all.

We have some fab introductory offers on these treatments, message to book in time for the party season! xox

Fat Be Gone!
What the fluff?!

What The Fluff?!

So I guess you’re scrolling through social media like what .. the .. fluff .. how on earth have they transformed their skinny minnie brows into those fluffy bad boys!

It really is amazing what can be achieved with Brow Lamination.

What is it? Are hairs actually added?

So brow lamination is a chemical treatment just like a lash lift that restructures the brow to keep them in a desired shape. This means that if you’ve got patches, want to create height or an arch you can do exactly that.

It’s perfect for those that have hairs growing in the wrong direction or a dense flat brow to transform and achieve a feathery look.


How is it done?

So the brows are combed into an upright position and solutions are applied for different time frames depending on your brow texture and hair thickness. The full treatment can take around 40 minutes. Once the brows are set, they will be tinted if required and then any excess hairs removed / extra unrulies trimmed.

Patch tests.. are they required? Yes, yes, yes wherever possible with any treatment please pop in for a patch test, it takes just 2minutes!

.. if you’d like to know more just contact us on 0161 637 0230 or text 07800839958 💕

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